JUARA Skincare
JUARA Skincare

Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize?

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Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize

Is your skin dull and dry even after you slather on a conditioning cream? Though you may faithfully follow your skincare routine to a tee, your products aren't guaranteed to work.

If your go-to moisturizer isn't cutting it anymore, it might be time to try something new. Whether you opt for an age-defying hand cream or a botanical-based body butter, it's important to use all-natural products to properly hydrate your skin.

Jump To:

  1. You're Over-Cleansing Your Face
  2. You Use Excessively Hot Water
  3. You Need to Exfoliate Properly
  4. Your Moisturizer Is Too Light
  5. Your Diet Is Lacking Vitamins
  6. You're Not Drinking Enough Water
  7. You're Not Moisturizing at the Right Time
  8. Your Skincare Products Contain Drying Ingredients
  9. You Live in a Cold, Dry, or Harsh Climate

Keep reading to learn more about how you can nurture and nourish your skin.

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#1. You're Over-Cleansing Your Face

Washing your face is a foundational step of any skincare routine. Whisking away bacteria, dirt, and makeup from your pores keeps your complexion clean and clear.

The importance of cleansing can't be overstated. You should religiously cleanse your face every morning and night - this is the bare minimum!

However, some people may take this too far. Though washing your face is essential, too much of a good thing isn't good anymore.

If you over-cleanse your face, you will just strip your pores of the natural oils that keep it soft and supple. This can lead to dry, dull, and dehydrated skin.

girl washing her face in the mirror lactic acid slightly damp more moisture harsh cleanser skin is dry outer layer benzoyl peroxide oilier skin peeling skin hydrating toner skin type skin conditions dry skin

Over-Washing Your Face Can Lead to Dry Skin

If you wash your face more than twice a day, you should cut back immediately. If you have particularly sensitive skin, it might be worthwhile to try washing your face in the PM and simply rinsing your face with water in the AM.

Secondly, you should carefully avoid harsh cleansers. These damaging products can strip your skin and cause redness, irritation, or dryness. Only use all-natural, gentle formulas that remove impurities from your skin's surface without a struggle.

For showers, use a botanical-based body wash. For your face, use this rice bran-infused Rice Facial Cleanser from JUARA - it's effective, gentle, and calming on the skin.

#2. You Use Excessively Hot Water

Though a super steamy and hot shower can feel soothing and relaxing after a long day, it might not be the best thing for your skin. In fact, the overheated water can be harsh on your skin, stripping it of natural oils and moisture.

This will leave your skin dry and dehydrated. Use lukewarm water instead to preserve your skin's natural moisture barrier.

#3. You Need to Exfoliate Properly

Your go-to face wash can only do so much. Although your face cleanser should be specifically formulated to be gentle and soothing on the skin, it likely can't deep-clean your clogged pores. That's when an exfoliator becomes necessary.

Proper exfoliation can be tricky. On the one hand, regular exfoliation keeps your skin polished and pure. However, over-exfoliating can lead to a slew of skin problems. Overusing face scrubs can compromise your skin's natural barrier and strip away natural moisture.

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Removing Dead Skin Cells While Soothing Sensitive Skin

Be sure to exfoliate gently only once or twice a week, depending on your skin type. Use an exfoliating scrub on your body and an enzyme-enriched exfoliator like our Radiance Enzyme Scrub & Enzyme Mask on your face. Made with pore-polishing and firming jojoba beads, this face scrub is the key to a bright and clear complexion.

#4. Your Moisturizer Is Too Light

If you religiously apply moisturizer day and night in hopes of smoothing flaky skin and healing dry patches with no results, it might be time to try a new formula. If your moisturizer is too light, it might not deliver the hydration that your skin desperately needs.

Lightweight lotions contain a lot of water, which can dilute the moisturizing ingredients. To keep your skin hydrated, try a thicker product. Rich, silky-smooth body cremes can help restore your skin barrier and improve its health.

For long-lasting relief on dry skin, indulge in our award-winning Candlenut Body Creme. This best-selling lotion is enriched with candlenut oil, avocado oil, and other botanicals designed to mitigate skin moisture loss and reintroduce much-needed hydration. Plus, it's a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for dry skin.

#5. Your Diet Is Lacking Vitamins

Though your beauty routine has a substantial role in your skin health, your lifestyle can also play a big part. If your diet lacks essential nutrients, it can be more difficult for your skin to thrive.

Eat a well-rounded diet with enough fruits and veggies. Avoid sugary, processed foods that don't provide your body with any real nutritional value. Vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc are great nutrients for your skin.

For a quick and tasty boost, indulge in a cup of Tolak Angin, otherwise known as the "get well" Jamu elixir.

girl drinking tea wearing an under eye mask skin specialist treating dry skin conditions underlying health conditions topical steroids chlorinated water prolonged exposure

Bonus: Rice Water For Hair And Skin: Benefits And How To Use It

#6. You're Not Drinking Enough Water

This one should be simple - if you're not drinking enough water, your skin will suffer. Like the rest of your body, your skin relies on a sufficient intake of H2O to remain healthy and strong.

Stay hydrated and drink your water!

#7. You're Not Moisturizing at the Right Time

Using a highly nourishing moisturizer is only part of the process. You need to be sure that you're applying your moisturizer to your dry skin at the right times. This ensures that you can fully take advantage of its hydrating benefits.

Always layer your moisturizer on your skin after you wash your face. Your pores will be refreshed and ready to absorb the moisture.

#8. Your Skincare Products Contain Drying Ingredients

It's a good idea to be aware of what you're putting on your face. Read the labels of each product you buy. It's important to avoid using harsh ingredients that can exacerbate dry skin.

For very dry skin, a fragrance-free moisturizer with nourishing ingredients like shea butter or hyaluronic acid is a good choice.

In general, use all-natural products that are rich in botanicals and plant-based ingredients like turmeric, ginger, or avocado oil. They are gentle and soothing on dry skin.

woman holding an avocado half to her face irritated skin dry skin dryness dry skin hydration natural moisturizing factor too much moisturizer

#9. You Live in a Cold, Dry, or Harsh Climate

Environmental factors may play a big part in your skin dryness. Though out of your control, cold weather or a dry climate can suck the moisture from your skin. Even air conditioning or heating systems can impact your skin's hydration levels.

Try to minimize your time outdoors in the inclement weather, and cover up when you do go outside. Using a humidifier indoors is another way to help you heal your dehydrated skin.

Final Thoughts

Managing dry skin can feel like a never-ending battle. Sometimes, all it takes is a new approach to your health in order to get visible results. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to healthy, hydrated, and radiant skin!

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Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with Western skincare science, creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.